
Thursday, October 24, 2013

comment_icon 0 Speech Recognition in Browser : annyang! JavaScript Library

I guess you all are surprised just as me, when i saw this super cool stuff. just imagine the site you use most i.e. Facebook with Speech Recognition. you just say reply and message sent or just say to like or share a post and its get done.I am not going to say much you should have a look at this stuff otherwise you won't gonna believe me so click Here for demo . Note : use chrome browser.

Setup Speech Recognition for your web Application

you just need to add few lines of code .so its quite easy i say.

Sample Code

<script src="//">
if (annyang) {
  /* Let's define our first command. First the text we expect, and then 
the function it should call */
  var commands = {
    'show tps report': function() {
      $('#tpsreport').animate({bottom: '-100px'});

  // Initialize annyang with our commands

 /* Start listening. You can call this here, or attach this call to an
 event, button, etc. */

Sample Commands

Here are some sample commands that you might wanna try to get started
Say "Show me cute kittens!"
Say "Show me Arches National Park!"
Now go wild. Say "Show me…" and make your demands!

I hope you liked this JavaScript and Try to Implement this. please Don't forget to share because its cool :)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

comment_icon 0 JavaScript Libarary - Chosen

Its 3rd in the series and 3rd day of the week so i decide to go with Chosen .its an open source project by harvest .This tiny library makes your Select box quite beautiful and user friendly.

As i always say start with a quick demo.this time its just a snapshot but you can see difference very clearly.
chosen js -onl9class
chosen js -onl9class

Chosen js - Available Features

  • Standard Select 
  • Multiple Select
  • <optgroup> Support : Single/Multiple select with group
  • Default Selected and Disabled Support
  • Hide Search on Single Select:if no of option are less than threshold value search option will be disabled
  • Default Text Support
  • No Results Text Support: text which is shown where no result available on search
  • Limit Selected Options in Multiselect

Chosen js- Available Methods/Events

  • on Form Field Change
  • Updating Chosen Dynamically
  • Custom Width Support


for Documentation you can refer these two links chosen and chosen options


you can download this library from here

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

comment_icon 0 JavaScript Libarary - Accounting JS

Its Tuesday and today we are gonna talk about Another JavaScript library which is quite different from others its "Accounting.js". Accounting JS is a tiny library created by Joss which can be used to format the number,money and currency .

I like to Start by showing a Demo so lets have a look below.

I hope you like the demo and wanna try it in your projects so lets move on and see what are the features of this JavaScript Library.

Available Mathods

  • formatMoney() - format any number into currency
  • formatColumn() - format a list of values for column-display
  • formatNumber() - format a number with custom precision and localisation
  • toFixed() - better rounding for floating point numbers
  • unformat() - get a value from any formatted number/currency string

Sample Code

<script type="text/javascript">
	// You can do this now:


you can find the Documentation here

Thanks for giving your valuable time,Don't forget to comment or share so other can get in touch with this.Have a nice day :) 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

comment_icon 0 JavaScript Libarary - Sketch JS

Today i am Starting a new season on this blog. Here we will be talking on Different JavaScript Libraries and we will see some amazing examples of them.

1st in the series is sketch.js i choose to start with sketch because wanted to start with something creative with fun.

Sketch Js is very to to use java script framework that allows your users to gain the power of your and their imagination .  See the Example below you gonna love sketch js the next moment. just move your mouse in that.

Start with the : Demo

How to Use Sketch Js

its very Easy to use sketch.js just grab the latest version of  sketch.js (or minified) from GitHub and add it in your webpage just after jQuery.

How TO ?

here comes the challenge but don't worry you will get complete Documentation so just have some fun with that.

How Compatible it is ?

It is compatible with the all major browsers.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

comment_icon 1 Facebook Charging Money to send Message to Unknown's Inbox

Finally Facebook became the just like other dating site where nothing is free . Today i tried to send a Message to someone unknown, And  got surprise to see that i need to pay  the money to send message to inbox otherwise it will be delivered to Other message box. here is the snapshot of the message shown to me.

Send this message to her Inbox for रु19.26 INR
Just send this message to her Other folder— 

Facebook charging Money for sending message to inbox
Facebook charging Money for sending message to inbox

Facebook charging Money for sending message to inbox - Payment Method
Facebook charging Money for sending message to inbox - Payment Method

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

comment_icon 0 Handling Session in JSP

In this Tutorial we are going to see that how can we Handle SESSION in JSP.

1. Setting Session : 

Before we validate or check the existing session it is important to know that how we set session in JSP. 
we use session.setAttribute("ATTRIBUTE NAME","ATTRIBUTE VALUE"); you can set as many attribute as you want.

2. Retrieving valuse from session attribute

To retrieve value from session attribute we use  following method. session.getAttribute("attribute name");
to store the retrieved value in a variable we write code as shown below.
 data-type variable-name=(data type cast)session.getAttribute("attribute name");
e.g.  String  signin=(String)session.getAttribute("username");

3. Ending or Invalidating session.

To End the current session and all attributes value we use session.invalidate(); method.

4. To Prevent user from going back to the previous page after logout put following META-TAG in every page's Header


working Example 

 1. index.jsp

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><%@page
 language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<% String  signin=(String)session.getAttribute("username");
 if(signin==null) { 
/** perform some your own logic for not signed in user , i'm just forwarding to login page
  %> <a href="login.jsp">click to login</a>
 else {
 /** logic for logges in users **/

<h3>successfull login</h3>
  <a href="logout.jsp">click to logout</a>
  <%} %>

2. Login.jsp

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><%@page
 language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
/** setting username here . you  will do it after processing login code **/
 session.setAttribute("username","your user's username");
 i set the session, now click on index page link to verify it
 <a href="index.jsp">go to index page</a>

3. Logout.jsp

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><%@page
 language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<% //session.setAttribute("username",null);
 <jsp:forward page="index.jsp"/>


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

comment_icon 0 Web.XML Explained

The web.xml Deployment Descriptor file tell about that how application will be deployed in the server or servlet container such as TOMCAT
This file is Required for every application which will be deployed on Tomcat/Apache . The location of Web.XML is always Application-root/WEB-INF/web.xml or WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml

There is minimum one tag is required in web.xml that is  <web-app> TAG. This  contains following information
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<web-app xmlns=""

WEB-APP CAN CONTAIN VARIOUS DIFFERENT ELEMNETS. A complete web-app example is given below please click the TAG for more details

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns=""

        <!-- ========================================================== -->
        <!-- General -->
        <!-- ========================================================== -->

        <!-- Name the application -->
        <display-name>Example App</display-name>
        <description>An example application which is used to play with some of the features of Tomcat</description>

        <!-- This app is cluster-ready -->
        <distributable />

        <!-- Set timeout to 120 minutes -->

        <!-- ========================================================== -->
        <!-- Custom Tag Libraries -->
        <!-- ========================================================== -->

        <!-- Taglib declarations are no longer required since JSP 2.0, see Removing taglib from web.xml -->
        <!-- The <taglib> did not need to be a child of <jsp-config> in earlier versions but is required as of Tomcat 7 -->
        <!-- Note that you can only have one <jsp-config> element per web.xml -->

        <!-- ========================================================== -->
        <!-- JSP Configuration -->
        <!-- ========================================================== -->


        <!-- ========================================================== -->
        <!-- Context Parameters -->
        <!-- ========================================================== -->

                <description>Enable debugging for the application</description>
                <description>The email address of the administrator, used to send error reports.</description>

        <!-- ========================================================== -->
        <!-- JNDI Environment Variables -->
        <!-- ========================================================== -->

                <env-entry-value>Ms. W. Master</env-entry-value>

        <!-- ========================================================== -->
        <!-- Servlets -->
        <!-- ========================================================== -->

        <!-- Simple Servlet, provide a name, class, description and map to URL /servlet/SimpleServlet -->
                <description>This is a simple Hello World servlet</description>

        <!-- CMS Servlet, responds to *.cms URL's -->
                <!-- Identification -->
                <description>This servlet handles requests for the CMS (it is a controller in an MVC architecture)</description>

                <!-- This servlet has two parameters -->

                <!-- Load this servlet when the application starts (call the init() method of the servlet) -->
                <!-- <run-at>0:00, 6:00, 12:00, 18:00</run-at> This tag is only valid for Resin -->

        <!-- Map some URLs to the cms servlet (demonstrates *.extension mapping) -->
                <!-- For any URL ending in .cms, the cms servlet will be called -->

        <!-- Rewriter Servlet, responds to /content/* and /admin/RewriterStatistics URL's -->
        <!-- Define a servlet to respond to /content/* URL's -->

        <!-- Map some URL's to the rewriter servlet (demonstrates /path/* and specific URL mapping) -->
                <!-- For any URL starting with /content/, the rewriter servlet will be called -->
                <!-- The rewriter servlet can also be called directly as /admin/RewriterStatistics, to return stats -->

        <!-- PathJSP Servlet, maps /shop/item/* URL's to a JSP file -->
        <!-- Define a JSP file to respond to /shop/item/* URL's -->

        <!-- Map some URL's to the pathjsp servlet (demonstrates /long/path/* URL mapping) -->
                <!-- For any URL starting with /shop/item/, the pathjsp servlet will be called -->

        <!-- ========================================================== -->
        <!-- Filters -->
        <!-- ========================================================== -->

        <!-- Example filter to set character encoding on each request (from Tomcat servlets-examples context) -->
                <filter-name>Set Character Encoding</filter-name>
                <filter-name>Set Character Encoding</filter-name>

        <!-- Example filter to dump the HTTP request at the top of each page (from Tomcat servlets-examples context) -->
                <filter-name>Request Dumper Filter</filter-name>
                <filter-name>Request Dumper Filter</filter-name>

        <!-- ========================================================== -->
        <!-- Listeners -->
        <!-- ========================================================== -->

        <!-- Define example application events listeners -->

        <!-- ========================================================== -->
        <!-- Security -->
        <!-- ========================================================== -->

        <!-- Define roles -->
        <!-- Define a constraint to restrict access to /private/* -->

                <display-name>Security constraint for the /private folder</display-name>

                        <web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name>
                        <!-- If you list http methods, only those methods are protected. -->
                        <!-- Leave this commented out to protect all access -->


                        <!-- Only only administrator and CMS editors to access this area -->


        <!-- FORM based authentication -->
        <!-- Leave this commented out, we will use BASIC (HTTP) authentication instead -->
        <!-- This application uses BASIC authentication -->
                <realm-name>Editor Login</realm-name>

        <!-- Define a constraint to force SSL on all pages in the application -->

                        <web-resource-name>Entire Application</web-resource-name>



        <!-- ========================================================== -->
        <!-- Error Handler -->
        <!-- ========================================================== -->

        <!-- Define an error handler for 404 pages -->

        <!-- Define an error handler for java.lang.Throwable -->

        <!-- ========================================================== -->
        <!-- Extra MIME types -->
        <!-- ========================================================== -->

        <!-- Set XML mime-mapping so spreadsheets open properly instead of being sent as an octet/stream -->

        <!-- ========================================================== -->
        <!-- Locale -->
        <!-- ========================================================== -->

        <!-- Set Locale Encoding -->

        <!-- ========================================================== -->
        <!-- Welcome Files -->
        <!-- ========================================================== -->

        <!-- Define, in order of preference, which file to show when no filename is defined in the path -->
        <!-- eg: when user goes to or -->
        <!-- Defaults are provided in the server-wide web.xml file, such as index.jsp, index.htm -->
        <!-- Note: using this tag overrides the defaults, so don't forget to add them here -->
                <!-- Use index.swf if present, or splash.jsp, otherwise just look for the normal defaults -->


comment_icon 2 File Download Script For JSP

In this Tutorial  i'm going to explain how you can serve files to your users using JSP. Since we are not serving a HTML page so first we need to tell the browser that what kind of data we are going to serve for that we set Response Headers
 response.addHeader( "Content-Disposition","attachment; filename=your file name" );
Here application/msword is the mime type you can search internet for diff. mime type required for  diff. extensions few commonly used are
  • image/jpeg
  • text/plain
  • application/pdf

link format for filedownload

<a href="download.jsp?filename=myresume.doc">Download my resume</a>


<%@ page  import="" %>
<%@ page  import=""  %>
<%@ page  import=""  %>
<%@ page import="" %>


   // you  can get your base and parent from the database
   String base="file";
   String filename=request.getParameter("filename");
// you can  write http://localhost
   String filepath="http://localhost:8080/filedownload/"+base+"/";

BufferedInputStream buf=null;
   ServletOutputStream myOut=null;


myOut = response.getOutputStream( );
     File myfile = new File(filepath+filename);
     //set response headers
        "Content-Disposition","attachment; filename="+filename );

     response.setContentLength( (int) myfile.length( ) );
     FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(myfile);
     buf = new BufferedInputStream(input);
     int readBytes = 0;

     //read from the file; write to the ServletOutputStream
     while((readBytes = )) != -1)

} catch (IOException ioe){
        throw new ServletException(ioe.getMessage( ));
     } finally {
     //close the input/output streams
         if (myOut != null)
             myOut.close( );
          if (buf != null)
          buf.close( );


Project Structure

Download zip

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

comment_icon 0 Integrating Image slider to a Web Page

In this tutorial step by step i am going to expalin that how you can integrate slider into your web application.


Download thie required files . i packed all required files in a zip , click Here to download zip if you Downloded the files . then extract them and folllow these steps.
  1. create a New HTML file or if you want to integrate in existing Page . create a New div tag whre ever you want and follow next step
  2. Copy all files to your project directory if you want to add this to existing Project
  3. add following files to your Headerof the Page
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/default/default.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/light/light.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/dark/dark.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/bar/bar.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="nivo-slider.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
  4. Add Following HTML to the Page
      <div class="slider-wrapper theme-default">
                <div id="slider" class="nivoSlider">
                    <img src="images/toystory.jpg" data-thumb="images/toystory.jpg" alt="" />
                    <a href=""><img src="images/up.jpg" data-thumb="images/up.jpg" alt="" title="This is an example of a caption" /></a>
                    <img src="images/walle.jpg" data-thumb="images/walle.jpg" alt="" data-transition="slideInLeft" />
                    <img src="images/nemo.jpg" data-thumb="images/nemo.jpg" alt="" title="#htmlcaption" />
                <div id="htmlcaption" class="nivo-html-caption">
                    <strong>This</strong> is an example of a <em>HTML</em> caption with <a href="#">a link</a>. 
    • In this above code img tag contain your sliding image . add as many as you want . yoou can replce image source to your own image source.
    • data-thumb attribute contains the thumbnail image url.
    • title attribute contains the caption you want to display
  5. Add following to bottom of your Page. we are adding at bottom so these scripts are loded after other load completes so deosn't affect your Page data.
      <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery-1.9.0.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.nivo.slider.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
        $(window).load(function() {
  6. if you still have doubt you can open demo.html and see the sample code.

Friday, February 22, 2013

comment_icon 0 Create Relationship Timeline on Facebook

In Facebook Timeline there is feature of creating a Relationship timeline By which you can see what happens between you and other person on Facebook even you can share it with your friends , customize it by uploading cover photo.

How to build it ? 

1. in chat bar hover on the person name to whom with you wanna see relationship , it display a box ,click on see friendship link

2. open user profile , click on settings icon tab and then select see friendship.