Showing posts with label javascript. Show all posts
Showing posts with label javascript. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

comment_icon 0 JavaScript Libarary - Chosen

Its 3rd in the series and 3rd day of the week so i decide to go with Chosen .its an open source project by harvest .This tiny library makes your Select box quite beautiful and user friendly.

As i always say start with a quick demo.this time its just a snapshot but you can see difference very clearly.
chosen js -onl9class
chosen js -onl9class

Chosen js - Available Features

  • Standard Select 
  • Multiple Select
  • <optgroup> Support : Single/Multiple select with group
  • Default Selected and Disabled Support
  • Hide Search on Single Select:if no of option are less than threshold value search option will be disabled
  • Default Text Support
  • No Results Text Support: text which is shown where no result available on search
  • Limit Selected Options in Multiselect

Chosen js- Available Methods/Events

  • on Form Field Change
  • Updating Chosen Dynamically
  • Custom Width Support


for Documentation you can refer these two links chosen and chosen options


you can download this library from here