Showing posts with label websphere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label websphere. Show all posts

Friday, July 20, 2012

comment_icon 0 Getting Started with TGMC

If you doing the TGMC project then you have to use IBM  tools only
  1.  Rational Software Architect For  Unified modeling (UML ) and SRS 
  2. DB2 for Database
  3. Rational Application Developer or Eclipse (only open source not Commercial)
  4. WebSphere Application Server or WebSphere Community addition For Deployment 
But When you are Installing or using The Rational Application Developer (RAD)  in some cases it didn't get installed so What you can do for that ?

My Advice is that you  can for Eclipse it is available free 

but there are few things where you have to compromise i just list few of them
  1. No Drag N Drop : Eclipse did't provide pallete view 
  2. You have to use  WebSphere Community Edition server only 
these two are major compromises but eclipse works pretty well so you can go for it if you face any problem with RAD in installation .

So From Where you can download these Tools ?
This is the most Common Questions Regarding the TGMC
So i just give a brief on that
 IBM will provide their toolkit Disks but it will take time so better download them by own 
1st thing 1st so 1st in the list is
  • RSA(Rational Software Architect ) : you can download the trial version form the website they will give atleast 1 month which is enough for creating your SRS 
  • DB2 : its community edition is free and you can download it from ibm website
  • RAD/Eclipse : you have to download the trial version of RAD or you can use Eclipse which is free of charge
  • Server : for deployment and testing you need a server so you can go for  WebSphere Community addition because its free and works pretty well
  Download Links :

 Note: Before downloding Register yourself on IBM -Site (it s free) make suer you will download Installation manager . it will be available on same download page  .

Sunday, February 26, 2012

comment_icon 5 Sending E-Mail via G-mail using Java

package mymail;

import java.util.Properties;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
public class Mymail   {
 public Mymail(){


public static void main(String args[]) throws AddressException, MessagingException{
  Mymail m =new Mymail();
  m.GmailSend("", "hello", "hello");

public boolean GmailSend  (String to,String subject,String messageText) throws AddressException, MessagingException{
String host="", user="YOUE USERNAME", pass="YOUR PASSWORD";

String SSL_FACTORY ="";       
boolean sessionDebug = true;
Properties props = System.getProperties();
props.put("", host);
props.put("mail.transport.protocol.", "smtp");
props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
props.put("mail.smtp.", "true");
props.put("mail.smtp.port", "465");
props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false");
props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", SSL_FACTORY);
Session mailSession = Session.getDefaultInstance(props,null);
Message msg =new MimeMessage(mailSession);
//msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
   InternetAddress[] address = {new InternetAddress(to)};
 msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, address);
 msg.setContent(messageText,"text/plain"); // use setText if you want to send text
 Transport transport = mailSession.getTransport("smtp");
 transport.connect(host, user, pass);
 transport.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());//WasEmailSent = true; // assume it was sent
 return true; 
 catch(Exception err) {
 //WasEmailSent = false; // assume it's a fail
 return false; 


Monday, February 20, 2012

comment_icon 0 Installing the WASCE WTP Server Adapter

The WASCE Web Tools Platform (WTP) server adapter is a tool for deploying and testing Java EE assets to a WebSphere Application Server Community Edition server. Use the Eclipse Update Manger to install the WASCE WTP server adapter from the Eclipse Update Site for IBM WebSphere Application Server Community Edition.

NOTE: same process is followed for WASCE 3.0 JUST DOWNLOAD 3.0 adapter Click to Download Adapter
Information about this tool can be obtained from the Geronimo development tools site and from the tool's on-line help. The following tips supplement that information.
See Developing portable Java EE assets using Eclipse for information about the JEE Profiling feature.
See Using a server in Eclipse and Deploying in Eclipse for instructions on using the WTP Server Adapter after installing it.

About the WASCE WTP Server Adapters

WebSphere Application Server Community Edition Version 2 provides a new WASCE WTP server adapter which supports Version 1.1.0.x and Version WebSphere Application Server Community Edition servers. These server runtimes can be downloaded from within eclipse after the appropriate WTP server adapter is installed. The Version 2 WASCE WTP server adapter may also be used to run Apache Geronimo Version 1.1.x and Version 2.0 servers, although this is not supported.

Compatible platforms

IBM has tested the WASCE WTP server adapter on Windows and Linux development environments supported by the Server runtime, running on Intel and AMD platforms with the provided IBM 32-bit Java software development kits (SDKs). The Eclipse IDE does support other platforms, which were not tested and therefore, cannot be recommended.
The tool may be compatible with other system platforms and operating system levels, but to obtain support for a suspected defect, you must demonstrate the defect on one of the recommended development platforms.

Installing the WASCE WTP Server Adapter

There are four options for installing the WASCE WTP Server Adapter:
  • the "Download additional server adapters" link
  • the Eclipse Update Manager
  • the file
  • the file

Installing the WASCE WTP Server Adapter using the "Download additional server adapters" link

  1. In the Servers View panel at the bottom of the screen, right-click, select New and click Server.
    • To show the Servers View panel:
      1. On the Eclipse menu bar, click on Window, select Show View, and click Other....
      2. In the Show View panel, expand Server, select Servers and click OK.
  2. In the New Server panel, click the "Download additional server adapters" link.
  3. In the Install New Server Adapter panel, select "WASCE v2.0 Server Adapter", and click "Next>".
  4. Accept the license agreement, and click Finish.
  5. Click OK to install the server adapter, and restart eclipse for the changes to take effect.

Installing the WASCE WTP Server Adapter using the Eclipse Update Manager

Note: Be sure to install the Prerequisite Software before you attempt to install the WASCE WTP server adapter.
Instructions for users familiar with using the Eclipse Update Manager
  • Add the URL of the WASCE Eclipse Update site ( as a remote site in your Eclipse update manager, and search for features to install from it.
  • To install the Eclipse WTP server adapter for version 2.0 of the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition server, select this WTP Server Adapter:
    • WASCE v2.0 Server Adapter 2.0.0
  • To additionally install the Eclipse WTP server adapter for version 1.1.0.x of the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition server, also select:
    • WASCE v1.1.x Server Adapter 2.0.0
  • It is not necessary or recommended to install a server for development and test from the IBM WASCE Runtimes in the update manager list at this time. The appropriate server will be downloaded the first time you click the Download and install button when you define a new server.
Detailed Instructions
  1. Open the Eclipse Update Manager as follows:
    1. Help, Software Updates, Find and Install....
    2. Select Search for new features to install and click Next.
  2. Create a WASCE Eclipse Update Site as follows:
    1. Click the New Remote Site... button in the upper right corner.
    2. Type WASCE Eclipse Update Site (or other suitable unique name) in the Name: field.
    3. Put the URL of the WASCE Eclipse Update site ( in the URL: field.
    4. Click OK.
  3. Select only the WASCE Eclipse Update Site in the Sites to include in search selection box and click Finish.
  4. Select a mirror and click OK if prompted to do so.
  5. Expand WASCE Eclipse Update Site, and WTP Server Adapters.
  6. Install the desired WTP server adapters
  • To install the Eclipse WTP server adapter for version 2.0 of the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition server, select this WTP Server Adapter:
    • WASCE v2.0 Server Adapter 2.0.0
  • To additionally install the Eclipse WTP server adapter for version 1.1.0.x of the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition server, also select:
    • WASCE v1.1.x Server Adapter 2.0.0
  • It is not necessary or recommended to install a server for development and test from the IBM WASCE Runtimes in the update manager list at this time. The appropriate server will be downloaded the first time you click the Download and install button when you define a new server.
  1. Click Next.
  2. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
  3. Click Finish.
  4. Click Yes to restart eclipse for the changes to take effect.

Installing the WASCE WTP Server Adapter using the file

Note: This installation option is only recommended if you can not use the Eclipse Update Manager to install code from the Internet due to firewall or proxy restrictions.
  1. Visit the welcome page from the Eclipse Update Site for IBM WebSphere Application Server Community Edition.
  2. Click the link at the bottom of the page to download the package.
  3. Extract this package to a directory on your machine, and follow the instructions in Installing the WASCE WTP Server Adapter using the Eclipse Update Manager.
    • Instead of using a remote update site, create a local update site from the directory to which you extracted the package.
    • Detailed Instructions
      1. Open the Eclipse Update Manager as follows:
        1. Help, Software Updates, Available Software
        2. Add Site
      2. Create a WASCE Eclipse Update Site as follows:
        1. Click the  Local Site... button in the upper right corner.
        2. Browse the Local site(extracted folder)
        3. Click OK
      3. Expand WASCE Eclipse Update Site, and WTP Server Adapters.
      4. Install the desired WTP server adapters
      • To install the Eclipse WTP server adapter for version 2.0 of the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition server, select this WTP Server Adapter:
        • WASCE v2.0 Server Adapter 2.0.0 
      • To additionally install the Eclipse WTP server adapter for version 1.1.0.x of the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition server, also select:
        • WASCE v1.1.x Server Adapter 2.0.0
      • It is not necessary or recommended to install a server for development and test from the IBM WASCE Runtimes in the update manager list at this time. The appropriate server will be downloaded the first time you click the Download and install button when you define a new server.
      1. Click Next.
      2. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
      3. Click Finish.
      4. Click Yes to restart eclipse for the changes to take effect.

Installing the WASCE WTP Server Adapter using the file

Note: Use this installation option only if all other options fail.
  1. Visit the welcome page from the Eclipse Update Site for IBM WebSphere Application Server Community Edition.
  2. Click the link at the bottom of the page to download the package.
  3. Stop Eclipse.
  4. Extract this package to your Eclipse directory.
  5. Use the eclipse -clean option after installing the WTP server adapter.

Troubleshooting the WASCE WTP Server Adapter

Use the eclipse -clean option after installing the WTP server adapter

After installing the WTP server adapter, whether it is the first installation or a subsequent installation of a newer version, start Eclipse with the -clean option. This allows Eclipse to recognize and use the newest version of the WTP server adapter.

Views synchronize when saved

While using the WTP server adapter to customize deployment plans, you may want to use both the form view and the source view. When you are using both views, remember that changes made in one view will not be reflected in the other view until the changes are saved. Be sure to save your changes before switching to a different view.

An IP address change can orphan the server

If the server is running on a host where the IP address has been assigned using DHCP, be sure to stop the server before the IP address changes. For example, you are using a laptop with an Ethernet connection, stop the server before you disconnect and switch to a wireless connection. If you don't, Eclipse will not be able to send a shutdown request to the hidden process where the server is running and if the server is not stopped gracefully, some of the server's configuration changes may be lost.
If the IP address changes while the server is running, you will need to stop the javaw process that contains the server or restart the host. In either case, you will have to repeat any configuration changes that were not saved correctly.

Unable to open Deployment plan editor in Eclipse

This error can occur when opening a WASCE- or geronimo-specific deployment plan without having a WASCE server specified as a "Targeted Runtime". An "IllegalArgumentException" may be thrown. To fix the problem, specify a WASCE runtime as the "Targeted Runtime" for the asset as described in Deploying in Eclipse.

Friday, December 9, 2011

comment_icon 2 Download RSA ( Rational Software Architect ) - A tool for software Modeling

Download via IBM site

Download Via Torrent

Torrent Includes :

Size: 5.35 GB (5741557433 Bytes)

IBM® Rational® Software Architect is an integrated analysis, design, and development toolset that supports the comprehension, design, management, and evolution of enterprise solutions and services. It includes design, analysis, and development capabilities for software architects and model-driven developers creating service-oriented architecture (SOA), J2EE, and portal applications.

This product offering includes:
1)Quick Start CD
2)Rational Software Architect
3)Rational Agent Controller
4)WebSphere® Portal test environments
5)Rational ClearCase® LT
6)Crystal Reports Server

7)Activation Kit for Rational Software Architect
8)Rational License Server
9)IBM Installation Manager
10(IBM Packaging Utility
11)WebSphere Application Server for Developers
12)CICS® Transaction Gateway

For more info