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Introduction 1. Welcome to the UML 2. Object Orientation 1 Objects & Classes 3. Object Orientation 2 Relationships 4. Object Orientation 3 Polymorphism 2. Types of Diagrams An Overview 1. The 4+1 Model 2. Static & Dynamic Approaches 3. Use Case & Class Diagrams 4. Object & Package Diagrams 5. State & Activity Diagrams 6. Sequence & Communication Diagrams 7. Component & Deployment Diagrams 3. Use Case Diagrams 1. Use Case Basics 2. Modeling Use Case Elements 3. A Use Case Diagram for an ATM 4. The (left arrow)(right arrow)Dependency 5. The (left arrow)(right arrow)Dependency 6. Generalization 7. Putting It All Together 4. Class Diagrams Basic Concepts 1. Classifiers Classes & Objects 2. Attributes & Operations 3. Stereotypes 4. Associations & Multiplicity 5. Association Classes 6. Aggregation & Composition 7. Generalization 8. Realization 9. Dependency 10. Constraints & Notes 11. Finding Classes